Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ever dreamed of a world where the government focuses their resources on maintaining peace?

Ever hoped that someday you could live a comfortable and relaxed life with no worries for the future?

Then come visit Aipotu, Realm of Perfection, in which we have established true happiness for all.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Daily Itinerary

Here's an average day one can expect while living in Aipotu:
  • Wake-up: from 6:30am to 9:00am depending on job description
  • Household duties/personal robot inspection: 8-10am
  • Work 10am to 5pm.  (If considering a minor, school hours are from 9am to 4pm)
  • Exercise hour is 11am to noon
  • Lunch is from noon to 1pm
  • Leisure time is from 5pm (or 4pm for minors) to 6:30pm, at which time dinner shall be eaten
  • At 7pm, the night is free for anyone to do anything they wish (legal, of course)

Journal Entry #3

Dear Journal,
     Today is day ninety-one of the creation of Aipotu.  We were able to successfully complete our blueprint and follow through with all examinations and checkpoints as planned, and finished construction on day seventy-four, six days ahead of schedule.  As of right now, we've experienced seventeen days of perfection, and counting.  No failures, no complaints, and no further exiles.  I'm excited to report this news, because as far as I know, this is the most successful human mission of societal reconstruction ever conducted.  We live in peace and prosperity for the first time in known history.
     For those reading these messages who wish to know further information about Aipotu, I encourage you to visit or register for correspondence with one of our advisers.  They can send you further information than I have currently posted or provide tours.  In summary, Aipotu's backbone is that of robotic systems, which produce the land, capital, and part of the labor of our society.  People here have jobs as entrepreneurs or as maintenance, keeping up with the technology provided and created by them.  The schedules set by Human Resources delegate the tasks one must accomplish on a day-to-day basis, making sure everyone is doing their part to uphold our regulations.  And as I've said previously, we are nearing three weeks of standing by these rules.  I hope that Aipotu will withstand outsider threats, for right now we are living in the Realm of Perfection.
Captain Beth

Journal Entry #2

Dear Journal,
    We've hit our first complication.  It only took forty-two days, but on the evening before we were supposed to implement our skills testing standards, a small argument broke out over the reliability of such exams.  The three people involved have since been exiled, but unfortunately people are taking this as the sign of our community acting in an obsessive manner, and thus are losing faith in our virtues of peace.  They need to understand that the only way we can guarantee peace is by ridding our society of the infections of hate, evil, and violence.  Those who disagree must be banished in order to maintain our beliefs.  It is not our intention to seem exclusive or like a dictatorship, but certain things must be done.  There is no hope for humanity if we cannot set goals for ourselves and stick to them. 
     Fortunately, this minor setback is the only source of trouble we've seen to date.  I expect that with this amount of success that we might be able to authorize the final sequence of events up to a fortnight early.  As leader and operator of this program, I am proud to stand before it and observe our accomplishments.  Hopefully someday the rest of the world will stand beside me and look down at our community with similar smiles of appreciation and pride.
Captain Beth

Journal Entry #1

Dear Journal,
     Today, our seventh day in Aipotu, we established the foundations of our robotic systems.  People will no longer have to work entry-level jobs or in management focused on production.  This accomplishment is the beginning of all other Aipotu goals, and I'm happy to announce to the public that we are firmly set on our road to perfection.  Individual schedules are being made for each of our citizens based on their family and life preferences, and so far there are no complaints so everything is coming along quite nicely.  I cannot wait to see our final product, I'm sure it will be astounding!  I do have my doubts, however.  Everything has been going according to plan for so long that either our blueprints were perfectly precise or we've been lucky enough to not hit any bumps in the road yet.  Hopefully we can keep up this successful streak for the next seventy-three days, or once our society is planned to be complete.  If we can stick to this schedule I believe it will give our citizens even more belief in the success of Aipotu.  Honesty and relability are key in helping the populace feel safe and protected by our nation.  That's all for today, I'll check back as soon as there is news to report.
Captain Beth

Utopian Animal

The animal of Aipotu is the snow leopard.
The snow leopard, Panthera uncia, is an animal known for its grace and sophistication.  They are adapted for their environment and have the air of wisdom and intelligence.  These qualities reflect the core principles of Aitopu's Declaration.  We are here to survive.  We can survive by using our knowledge to help others.  We shall go about our everyday lives with poise and not instigate attention.  The snow leopard is an example of the calm and peaceful world we wish to establish.

Utopian Motto and Seal

Motto: Be not and feel not, for you are what you do.

Aipotu is all about the skills that one possesses and how they can contribute to society.  Little focus is on feelings and emotions because they have no affect on the outcome of our inventions and upkeep.  Therefore, our motto specifically says that your importance in society is determined by your accomplishments.

Invitation to Friends

Chère Amie,
     I've recently relocated to Aipotu, the new world that I'm sure you have heard about in the news lately.  It is even better than the descriptions!  I cannot even begin to comprehend the endless possibilities this new place presents to the human race.  We have unlimited resources and information here, due to the expansive labor system that is specific to individual skills and knowledge.  The routine is one that is ideal for every one's life, so there are no complaints.  I know we thought from the brochures and advertisements that this world was somewhat of a hoax and cult-like, but that is absolutely not true.  The "restrictions" they have in place are actually providing more freedoms than we had on Earth, yet the structure of government is resoundingly diligent.  I have yet to see any faults in this society, or anyone displeased in how things are run.  You really should come visit, at least.  I think you'll find this place quite suitable for you and your family, and I also believe that you have skills that Aipotu requires.
Captain Beth

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Governing Body

     As we all know very well, every government formed on Earth had its flaws and was ultimately unable to please the general population.  Hence, Aipotu shall forgo a system of government, and instead focus on simple everyday decisions.  There is no crime or violence here, and there is no war, so why should we need a government to order us around?  We can make our own choices, and if we are incapable of such a mundane task than we shall turn to our elders for advice.  The wisest will hold positions of the most power here in Aipotu.  They will guide us with their endless knowledge and we shall obediently follow their suggestions.  Though younger generations also share some amount of the wisdom of our nation, because of our current society not having a way to grow or expand without including imperfections, we cannot turn to the youth for advice.  They will know only of technology and not of life.  Hence, we demand of our elders to guide us and console us when we are in desperate conditions.
     Luckily, seeing as we are the Realm of Perfection, we should not have to worry about such unfortunate events.  We will be hard pressed to see any sort of dysfunctional program taking place in our society.  As a result, our wisest minds will not have much work to do other than be available for inquiry as we progress as a nation.

List of Rules

As much as Aipotu would like to have a society without rules and restrictions, we feel the only way to properly ensure our perfection is by careful structure and policy.  Thus, the following list of norms shall dictate the governing of our people:

  1. There shall be no destruction (intentional or not) of any aspect of the environment.  We must keep our world pure and clean.
  2. No individual can or will have any intentions to disrupt our system of being.  What we are maintaining is perfection, and if anyone disturb our policies, they shall be banished.
  3. Robot maintenance is upheld on an hourly basis.  We do not want to lose control of the productivity.
  4. School hours are from 9 am to 4 pm, five days a week.  No homework shall be given.  Education must conclude after a maximum of 15 years.
  5. Exercise is not an option.  One hour daily must be spent doing some sort of constructive physical movement.  Health is key to perfection.
  6. The wisest (usually but not limited to the eldest) people in society will make decisions regarding our futures.  We need the most reliable opinions.
  7. No dishonesty shall be permitted.  Crime will not have punishment, merely exile.

Why are we Aipotu?

     It may not be clear to everyone why the name of our noble nation is Aipotu, but in the following paragraph the reasoning shall become quite clear.
     A perfect society, also known as a Utopia, is one in which everyone is happy and provided with all the basic needs of life to keep them satisfied.  Our world of Aitopu is a utopia by our definition, and therefore we were simply going to stick with the name "Utopia", until we were confronted with certain critics.  These nonbelievers claimed that a utopia is one's central heaven, as in where the soul can find eternal peace and happiness.  Hence, our version of utopia was not the same as someone else's opinion of what a utopia should be.  In fact, we found quite a few complaints regarding our initial design, and therefore were forced to conclude that we were not a perfect society for every individual.  We received a number of people claiming that we were in fact the opposite of their imagined utopia.  We settled this disagreement by changing the blueprints title to "Aipotu", or "Utopia" backwards.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Declaration of Independence

     We the citizens of the vast nation of Aipotu hereby declare our sovereignty over such unendurable life as has thus been achieved from our experiences on Earth.  Current society only proved disappointing to us and our needs, hence we turn our backs to the traitors of human happiness and strive forward into worlds unknown.  In our universe, Aipotu, we shall create perfection.  Never again will we have to deal with the hassles of a monetary system.  Never again shall crime and dishonesty persist and threaten the well being of the populace.  Our leaders are chosen from the wise, and our days will be spent inventing and discovering. In this land, everyone is chosen and appreciated for their unique skills and intellect.  Those who do not contribute to the development of our society shall be forced to leave, for we only desire and accept humanity capable of the greatest knowledge.  In fact, technology will dominate our civilization.  Work will be negligible, as long as every person reliably follows the schedule assigned to them.  Life will be a place of beauty, wonder, and peace.  The expansive oceans surrounding our shores shall bring in each day with a glorious sunrise, untouched and unfazed by the ignorance we have come to accept as reality on Earth.  The land will seem to augment before our wide eyes and lay the foundation of adventure and excitement.  Each and every minute of every hour of every day will present innumerable undertakings to hold the population in a constant state of interest.  Life here in Aipotu is one worth living, and our people will hold to their promise of perfection.