Saturday, January 22, 2011

Journal Entry #1

Dear Journal,
     Today, our seventh day in Aipotu, we established the foundations of our robotic systems.  People will no longer have to work entry-level jobs or in management focused on production.  This accomplishment is the beginning of all other Aipotu goals, and I'm happy to announce to the public that we are firmly set on our road to perfection.  Individual schedules are being made for each of our citizens based on their family and life preferences, and so far there are no complaints so everything is coming along quite nicely.  I cannot wait to see our final product, I'm sure it will be astounding!  I do have my doubts, however.  Everything has been going according to plan for so long that either our blueprints were perfectly precise or we've been lucky enough to not hit any bumps in the road yet.  Hopefully we can keep up this successful streak for the next seventy-three days, or once our society is planned to be complete.  If we can stick to this schedule I believe it will give our citizens even more belief in the success of Aipotu.  Honesty and relability are key in helping the populace feel safe and protected by our nation.  That's all for today, I'll check back as soon as there is news to report.
Captain Beth

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