Saturday, January 22, 2011

Journal Entry #2

Dear Journal,
    We've hit our first complication.  It only took forty-two days, but on the evening before we were supposed to implement our skills testing standards, a small argument broke out over the reliability of such exams.  The three people involved have since been exiled, but unfortunately people are taking this as the sign of our community acting in an obsessive manner, and thus are losing faith in our virtues of peace.  They need to understand that the only way we can guarantee peace is by ridding our society of the infections of hate, evil, and violence.  Those who disagree must be banished in order to maintain our beliefs.  It is not our intention to seem exclusive or like a dictatorship, but certain things must be done.  There is no hope for humanity if we cannot set goals for ourselves and stick to them. 
     Fortunately, this minor setback is the only source of trouble we've seen to date.  I expect that with this amount of success that we might be able to authorize the final sequence of events up to a fortnight early.  As leader and operator of this program, I am proud to stand before it and observe our accomplishments.  Hopefully someday the rest of the world will stand beside me and look down at our community with similar smiles of appreciation and pride.
Captain Beth

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