Thursday, January 13, 2011

Declaration of Independence

     We the citizens of the vast nation of Aipotu hereby declare our sovereignty over such unendurable life as has thus been achieved from our experiences on Earth.  Current society only proved disappointing to us and our needs, hence we turn our backs to the traitors of human happiness and strive forward into worlds unknown.  In our universe, Aipotu, we shall create perfection.  Never again will we have to deal with the hassles of a monetary system.  Never again shall crime and dishonesty persist and threaten the well being of the populace.  Our leaders are chosen from the wise, and our days will be spent inventing and discovering. In this land, everyone is chosen and appreciated for their unique skills and intellect.  Those who do not contribute to the development of our society shall be forced to leave, for we only desire and accept humanity capable of the greatest knowledge.  In fact, technology will dominate our civilization.  Work will be negligible, as long as every person reliably follows the schedule assigned to them.  Life will be a place of beauty, wonder, and peace.  The expansive oceans surrounding our shores shall bring in each day with a glorious sunrise, untouched and unfazed by the ignorance we have come to accept as reality on Earth.  The land will seem to augment before our wide eyes and lay the foundation of adventure and excitement.  Each and every minute of every hour of every day will present innumerable undertakings to hold the population in a constant state of interest.  Life here in Aipotu is one worth living, and our people will hold to their promise of perfection.

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