Thursday, January 20, 2011

List of Rules

As much as Aipotu would like to have a society without rules and restrictions, we feel the only way to properly ensure our perfection is by careful structure and policy.  Thus, the following list of norms shall dictate the governing of our people:

  1. There shall be no destruction (intentional or not) of any aspect of the environment.  We must keep our world pure and clean.
  2. No individual can or will have any intentions to disrupt our system of being.  What we are maintaining is perfection, and if anyone disturb our policies, they shall be banished.
  3. Robot maintenance is upheld on an hourly basis.  We do not want to lose control of the productivity.
  4. School hours are from 9 am to 4 pm, five days a week.  No homework shall be given.  Education must conclude after a maximum of 15 years.
  5. Exercise is not an option.  One hour daily must be spent doing some sort of constructive physical movement.  Health is key to perfection.
  6. The wisest (usually but not limited to the eldest) people in society will make decisions regarding our futures.  We need the most reliable opinions.
  7. No dishonesty shall be permitted.  Crime will not have punishment, merely exile.

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