Saturday, January 22, 2011

Journal Entry #3

Dear Journal,
     Today is day ninety-one of the creation of Aipotu.  We were able to successfully complete our blueprint and follow through with all examinations and checkpoints as planned, and finished construction on day seventy-four, six days ahead of schedule.  As of right now, we've experienced seventeen days of perfection, and counting.  No failures, no complaints, and no further exiles.  I'm excited to report this news, because as far as I know, this is the most successful human mission of societal reconstruction ever conducted.  We live in peace and prosperity for the first time in known history.
     For those reading these messages who wish to know further information about Aipotu, I encourage you to visit or register for correspondence with one of our advisers.  They can send you further information than I have currently posted or provide tours.  In summary, Aipotu's backbone is that of robotic systems, which produce the land, capital, and part of the labor of our society.  People here have jobs as entrepreneurs or as maintenance, keeping up with the technology provided and created by them.  The schedules set by Human Resources delegate the tasks one must accomplish on a day-to-day basis, making sure everyone is doing their part to uphold our regulations.  And as I've said previously, we are nearing three weeks of standing by these rules.  I hope that Aipotu will withstand outsider threats, for right now we are living in the Realm of Perfection.
Captain Beth

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